Robin Riskin

Curating artist

Research Residency

07.12 - 03.01.2024

Screenshot of “instaXposures” (2022-2023), Robin Riskin’s “virtual space street art” on Instagram (@rriskinitall), which developed tactics for viral exhibition-making on a budget; intermedia language across text, picture, speech, and song; and curatorial narration as a subject which may also be interrogated.

Riskin treats her residency at Selebe Yoon as an opportunity to gather as well as expand her Ph.D. research, which explores models for community-curating and hybrid art-curating practice that she developed and was immersed amongst at blaxTARLINES KUMASI. Her experimental structures for “exhibition-as-living-and-dying-organism” take inspiration from fungal, forestral, and ecological behaviors, as alternatives to modernist tendencies to separate, centralize, and mono-culturize subjects and spaces. Riskin’s residency project with Selebe Yoon identifies kindred spirits in Dakar and Senegal who approach art, curating, music and architecture with social/spiritual agendas. Riskin will engage interdisciplinary and intergenerational creatives in conversation, as she constellates her journey through forms.


Robin Riskin is a “curating artist” who channels art toward social and political functions. Her multi-vocal, intertextual, and networked approaches to the exhibition form treat process along with product, communities along with their icons, and institutions as sites to hack or reimagine. She uses music, rhythm, folklore, and fantasy to post-produce real-life encounters into poetic mashups. Her hybrid practice emerged through her experience in the Kumasi College of Art, where the artist-teacher kąrî’kạchä seid’ou tasked artists to act as their own curators, and tasked curators to act as their own artists.


Nicolas Pirus - 15.01.24-27.02.24


Younes Baba-Ali - 10.11.23 - 10.12.23